We have researched public and private student accommodation providers in Ireland and we offer our research to the public. Our pamphlet’s original sources, that is company records, ownership documents and financial statements which were mostly gathered from different registries can be found here.

You can download the non-sourced PDF of the pamphlet destined for printing here.

And, of course, the sourced blog post.

  • Why is your student accommodation so f*cking expensive?
    This investigation blows the lid on the unfair, corrupt and evil practices of giant multinational corporations and rich real estate investors. Revelations vis-à-vis student accommodation developers and managers include […]

Further reading(s):

Through the Cracks – Documentary

Council 4 2020-2021 TCDSU Discussion Item Relating to The Situation in Halls

Opinion on Project Ireland 2040 Submitted to Mr. Eamon Ryan TD

Other news relating to accommodation are displayed below.